Long considered cult-status whisky renowned for its scarcity and genuine craftsmanship, Karuizawa Whisky was a product of the now-decommissioned Karuizawa Distillery - previously located in Miyota, Japan. Founded in 1955, Karuizawa launched its first bottling in 1956 and is said to have been Japan's smallest distillery. The facility was only in operation for approximately 46 years, shuttering its doors in 2001 - with the entire location demolished in 2016. Considering the brand was relatively unknown outside its domestic market, coupled with the fact that there (*as yet!) hasn't been a new bottling of Karuizawa Whisky - this whisky is beyond rare! The brand utilized primarily sherry-aged distillates, Scottish barley, and water sourced from an active volcano - resulting in a taste and finish wholly unique to this superior Japanese whisky. Coveted by discerning Japanese whisky lovers worldwide, Karuizawa suits even the most elite enthusiasts, with each vintage release capitalizing on the traditional Scottish distillation process paired with the Japanese methodology of discipline and dedication. *Sources say that the brand is set to be revived through a burgeoning partnership between Karuizawa Whisky Co. and Japanese spirits conglomerate dekantā.